St. John Lutheran Church
Dublin, OH
2/5 M.P. Möller
Opus 8183 - 1950

Photos of the Pipes
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The pipes for this organ are inside a room approximately 8' by 4', or about the size of a walk-in closet. Despite the small size, the pipes still have plenty of room to "speak" and all of them can be reached fairly easily after removing the expression shades and grate on the bottom front of the pipe chamber.

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Pipe Chamber Sitting in the bottom of the small organ chamber is the main wind chest for the organ. The wind chest contains a reservoir of air for the pipes and helps maintain constant air pressure at all times. The black and white parts of the chest are the liners (the white is actually leather) which keep it air tight. These have to be replaced or "releathered" every 30-40 years, depending on the use of  the organ and the environment it resides in.
wiring board Just above the main wind chest is the wiring board for the organ. Careful notation of what each wire is connected to helps make maintenance a little easier. The wiring board lists the four ranks of the organ, much simpler than the 20 or so tabs on the console. The 16' Bourdon is an extension of the 8' Gedeckt and not a separate rank of pipes.
Salicional and Bourdon pipes The entire organ is under expression meaning it sits behind shades which open and close. The shades for this organ are a little different in that they do not all open in the same direction. In addition, the shades open in pairs rather than everything opening at the same time. So if the organist has the Swell pedal pushed down half way, two of the shades on each side will be open, and two will be closed.
pipes The main wind chest is surrounded by pipes on three sides, illustrating how the builder was able to cram everything in the small room. The pipes on the left are some of the larger pipes of the 8' Gedeckt rank, extended down to 16' for the Bourdon stop. On the right are the 8' Viola pipes. The green pipe is a air supply pipe for the racks of pipes above the chest. The thick black wire on the left with a red and white wire attached is the wire from the console.
pipes Here's a closer look at the mouths of some of the bigger pipes. Note the difference in construction between the Gedeckt pipes on the left, and the speckled Viola pipes on the right. These Gedeckt pipes are actually of the 16' Bourdon stop, another illustration of "borrowing".
pipes Between the shades we can see some of the smallest pipes of the 8' Gedeckt rank. Note the interesting texture detail in the metal pipes.
pipes Ranks from front to back, 8' Gedeckt, 8' Diapason (immediately behind wood pipes), 8' Viola, chimes (bronze bars in back).

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