The console for the
organ sits in the
center of the choir loft in the back of the church. The pipe chamber
can be seen on the far left in the top photo.
This console was built by Klann Organ Supply and replaced
the original Page console in the late 1970s. The original
white and had stop tabs in a horseshoe arrangement around the manuals
or keyboards, typical of a theater organ.
The bottom photo helps give some perspective of the console's placement
in relation to the rest of the church. Someone was creative and mounted
the microphone stand on the top of the choir loft wall. |
Lots of room for
growth! This console is loaded up with stop knobs, many of which are
blank allowing for future organ expansion. Many of the stops simply
pull different parts of the same rank of pipe, and stop knobs with the
same name in different divisions of the organ also are pulling the same
pipes. |
The Great Division
also has many blank stop knobs. This also is the only division with a
stop for the Tremolo. |

In the center are the
coupler tabs for the pipe organ, as well as the indicator lights. With
such a simple organ, there isn't a need to have lots of couplers
between divisions, or within divisions of the organ.
Down below we see the
pedal board along with the expression pedals for Swell and Crescendo,
as well as two coupler toe studs and a toe stud for Sforzando. |
While the pipe organ's
wiring is not physically on the console, it is directly linked to it.
This wiring was likely installed along with the replacement console in
the late 1970s.
Here is a close up of
one of the wiring relay boards seen above. |