St. John Lutheran Church
Dublin, OH
3/42 Casavant
Opus 3820 - 2004

Pedal Division

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Pedal 1

The biggest pipes in the facade of the organ are from the 16' Kontrabass rank. On the left side is the largest pipe in the rank. The mouth is so large one can easily put their hand inside of the pipe.
Pedal 2
Back up top on the right side as you look at the organ are a number of Pedal Division ranks clustered together. On the left is the 16' Subbass rank, and on the right is the Mixture III, 4' Choralbass, and 8' Oktavebass ranks.
Swell 03 Here's a look at the high end of the ranks listed above. Some of the pipes of the Choralbass and Oktavebass ranks can also be found in the facade of the organ.
Swell 04 This gives a good view of the top of the 16' Subbass rank pipes. The stopper in the top serves two purposes. First by stopping the pipe it doubles the speaking pitch of the pipe. So a 8' stopped pipe speaks at the 16' pitch. Gotta love wave theory physics! Secondly the stopper is used to tune the pipe by either pushing it in or pulling it out.

Pedal Posaune Pedal Posaune Pedal Posaune Pedal Posaune
Above we have four photos of the 16' Posaune rank which is located inside the case on the right side as you look at the organ. From left to right, the feet of the pipes, a closeup of the pipe rack with the organ opus number stamped on it, next a closeup of the largest pipe which has POS (Posuane) JG (?) PED (Pedal Division) CCC (pipe pitch) stamped on the pipe, and finally a look from the top looking down at the rank. This also shows the vertical ladder one must climb in order to get up top.

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